My friend Cindy is such a nut (just like me)! I got an email a couple weeks ago with this mesage "Hey guys...... guess what I just got in the mail............? One dozen pink flamingos!!!!! I can hardly wait!!! as soon as we have another warm day, I am going to base coat them with primer and then paint them all different arty ways then..... decorate the Whole Yard!!!! giggle.... what fun!!!
Cindy and I have had many creative adventures and I know her to be an inspired artist with a joy for life and a passion for ferrets. Yes, I said ferrets. Cindy and her kids have a few ferrets that they've raised and several that they've rescued. they take on caring for little guys that aren't adoptable for any number of reasons. They train, calm and socialize wild ones; they nurse sick ones and comfort terminally sick guys a prepare them for the Rainbow Bridge. Amazing folks.
Thank you, dear friend, for all the long distant smiles!
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