Bring a little chocolate love into your office and home space with chocolate thumb tacks! This is a super easy way to make polymer clay chocolates to transform your tacks into tiny, delicious looking chocolates!
Watch my Faux Chocolate Thumb Tacks YouTube video tutorial!
Aleene's Super Gel Adhesive
Polymer clay - chocolate color - I mix my own with dark brown, gold and a little bit of orange
Small round, square and heart shaped molds - read how to make some here
Water spritzer
Thumb tacks - the flat kind Polymer clay sealer - satin Paint brush
1. Condition the polymer clay. Roll a small ball
2. Spritz a mold with a little water and press the ball of clay into it. Smooth the back as flat as possible.
3. While the clay is still in the mold, press the the flat side of the tack into the clay to make an impression.
4. Carefully push the clay out of the mold and make sure the tack will still fit before baking the clay according to the directions on the package.
5. Glue a tack into the back of each chocolate. Allow to dry.
6. Coat each chocolate with 2 coats of satin sealer. Allow to dry well between coats.